In data de 28 martie MagiClub Romania organizeaza un seminar live cu castigatorul Birtain’s Got Talent.
Il puteti urmari aici:
Cost bilet: 50 ron
Pentru cumpara biletul te rugam sa suni la numarul: 0743 230 939
Iata si lista cu ce se va discuta in live:
– The things to expect and prepare for when planning a TV act
– What kind of magic works and what to avoid on TV (and the reasons why)
– How to deal with producers on shows
– How to deal with the camera teams on the shows
– How I structure my routines
– How to prepare yourself so that you don’t crumble under the high pressure of performing for tens of millions of people live
– How to create an achievable path towards you big goals within magic or any ambition
– How I keep track of life targets and why it’s important we all do the same
– Planning your next steps to continually grow
– How to prepare properly
– How and why I script my acts the way I do
– How I rehearse in a way that keeps motivation high