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Elastice pentru magicieni – Rainbow Rubber Bands – 50 buc

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Obțineți pachetul Rainbow Pack perfect cu toate cele 7 culori vibrante incluse. Realizate cu Elastraflex pentru rezistență și întindere suplimentară, aceste benzi fără latex vă vor duce magia la un alt nivel. Pachet de 50, mărimea #19.


Magic House, MH
Magic House, MH

Pachetul Rainbow este alegerea perfecta avand toate cele 7 culori incluse in fiecare pachet. Fiecare elastic este acoperit cu Elastraflex, care face fiecare elastic mai puternic si ii scade sansele de a se rupe. Elasticele se pot intinde mai mult decat cele normale si totusi isi pastreaza culoarea si textura. Aceste elastice sunt fine la atingere eliminand senzatia de guma, alunecand usor unul pe langa altul. Pachet de 50 bucati acoperite cu Elastraflex, Non Latex, marime #19 Alte beneficii:

  • Vine in 7 culori vii.
    • Albastru de Hanson Chien 
    • Verde de Marcus Eddie
    • Portocaliu de Daniel Garcia
    • Mov de Dan Harlan Deep 
    • Galben de Russell Leeds 
    • Roz de Vincent Mendoza
    • Rosu de Joe Rindfleisch
  • Elasticele se intind mai mult decat cele clasice.
  • Mult mai putine sanse de a se rupe in timpul prestatiei
  • Elasticele vor prezenta uzura foarte incet si le veti putea schimba din timp, inainte ca ele sa se rupa
  • Elasticele raman lucioase

Iata parerea profesionistilor:

  • “I love these rubber bands! They stretch better than anything I’ve ever used, and the colors are so vibrant. Finally, rubber band magic can be sexy!” – Dan Harlan
  • “Joe’s Rainbow Pack is by far the best choice around. With great elasticity and bright colors, they have become the weapon that I never leave home without.” –Hanson Chien
  • “Rindfleisch’s Rainbow Rubber Bands are Ridiculous! The added stretch makes certain moves effortless and the colors turn your magic HiDef.” – Vincent Mendoza
  • “These bands are so stretchy and easy to use, it could take your performance to the next level.” – Russell Leeds
  • “These bands are great! I have some amazing ideas for them!” – Marcus Eddie
  • “Rubber band magic has been waiting for these bands!” – Daniel Garcia
  • “I won’t use any others bands except Joe’s Rainbow Bands.” – Dan Hauss


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